Saturday, January 21, 2023

Bijections: A Simple Solution for Counting Non-Adjacent Book Selections

 Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to count the number of ways to choose a certain number of items from a set such that no two items are adjacent? One such example could be selecting books from a bookshelf where no two books are next to each other.

In this scenario, one solution is to use a bijection, which is a one-to-one and onto correspondence between two sets. In this case, we can create a bijection between the ways of choosing 6 books from a shelf such that no two are adjacent and 15-bit strings with exactly 6 ones.

Here's how it works:

For each way of choosing 6 books, represent the chosen books by placing a 1 in the corresponding position in a 15-bit string. For example, if the books chosen are the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th, the corresponding 15-bit string would be "010010100010000".

For each 15-bit string with exactly 6 ones, represent the positions of the ones as the corresponding books that are chosen. For example, if the string is "010010100010000", the books chosen are the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th.

By using this bijection, we have a simple and easy way to count the number of ways to choose 6 books from a shelf such that no two are adjacent. This method can also be applied to similar problems where we need to count the number of ways to choose items from a set with certain restrictions.

Overall, bijections provide a powerful tool for solving counting problems and can make the process much simpler. The next time you're faced with a similar problem, remember to consider using a bijection as a potential solution.

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